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Crewsaver Life jacket은 대형 선박 Safety 장비, 요트 Safety 장비,

수상 레저 스포츠 장비에 대명사 처럼 유명한 Life jacket .


전세계 해양인과 선박 Owner 와 요트인들이 지명하는 Life jacket입니다. 

Life jacket은 생명을 책임지는 중요한 장비 이므로 위탁 생산은 하지 않고

영국 공장에서 직접 생산 하여 1 by 1 검사 후 출고 되는 안전 장비.


수동 형                      자동 형 (물 감지 센서)             Hammar 오 토                               


영국 리딩 매거진에 소개된 내용.

17th June 2011

Crewsaver Life jacket test.


Crewsaver Life jacket 경쟁 업체 20 테스트 결과 가장 우수한 평가를 얻다.


Crewsaver Inflatable Lifejackets win international acclaim against stiff competition from other manufacturers.
Vene Magazine, the largest boating magazine in Scandinavia, has recently undertaken a comprehensive lifejacket test in conjunction with maritime security. This was carried out as a follow-up to a similar test done by Vene on 20 lifejackets in 2007. Both times Crewsaver Lifejackets won the overall test for comfort and performance.
This year Vene magazine tested several lifejackets from UK and international manufacturers, including jackets that were developed in recent years. The purpose of this test was to discover how the design and performance of inflatable lifejackets have changed over the years.
The overall winner of the test was the Crewsaver. One of the winning features was its advanced turning method that rotates the wearer into the right position facing up in the water. In addition, the Lifejacket placed the wearers in a comfortable and secure floating position regardless of their physical size. Its adjustment system was chosen as one of the best on test and was complimented for its hassle-free crutch straps and buckles. The inner seams of the Lifejacket were also noted as the most comfortable ones in the test.
Another Crewsaver Lifejacket, the version came second in the test. It was complimented for its easy-to-adjust buckles and the way it turned the user facing up in the water, as well as for its comfortable and effective double crutch straps.
Overall, the in-water performance of both Crewsaver Lifejackets was seen as the best of all tested Life jacket.

June 2011


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