Crewsaver Phase 2  Control top.

LX7K 신 소재 원단으로 통풍,속건조,보온성이 좋은 원단. 네오플랜 대체품.

신축성이 좋고 안쪽에 보온 극대화를 위해 기모 (후리즈)처리로 극한에도

보온 유지.(1mm 두께)


Add the Phase2 Control Top to your dinghy sailing wardrobe for supreme flexibility in your clothing choices. Constructed from LX7K fabric, this breathable, quick-drying thermal top also gives you all the benefits of neoprene. Wear it alone, or under a spray top, with shorts or hikers in warm weather. Alternatively, add warmth to a longjohn, a full wetsuit or a drysuit. With seamless underarms, you’ll find you have unrestricted movement and greater comfort.